The exhibition
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel
The Sistine Chapel by attracted particular attention through Michelangelo’s frescoes created from 1508 to 1512 (ceiling frescoes) and from 1536 to 1541 (“The Last Judgement”). With an area covering more than 700 m ² Michelangelo could prove his exceptional capabilities and it reflects his vision and thought to the stories from the Old and New Testament, beginning with the Biblical account of man’s creation up to the day of the Last Judgement, in the form of his works.
The concept
The exhibition enables visitors a view on these frescoes at close proximity, which is impossible in the genuine chapel, and to find out the stories behind one of the most famous artworks of all times. The ceiling frescoes and the depiction of the Last Judgement in size of about 150 m ² were reproduced faithfully in their original size.
Using optimal expertise and the utmost care and conscientiousness the ceiling paintings of the Sistine Chapel were reproduced according to the latest technology. To allow viewers to entirely understand and experience the artworks, the paintings are exhibited in their original size. The overwhelming impression to the viewer results from the size of the artworks, the closeness to the depictions and the modern style of the exhibition.
In an anteroom to the exhibition the visitors are introduced to this world of art and will be informed for a new staging of Michelangelo’s famous works arousing their curiosity.
The exhibition is an innovative and unique interpretation of Michelangelo’s timeless masterpiece. The guests who have already visited the Sistine Chapel have the possibility for finding a new perspective at the paintings and to discover new details which for them remained otherwise hidden. The visitors who already have visited the Sistine Chapel will experience the art in a completely new way. Visitors who never experienced the originals will be fascinated and possibly inspired to visit once the Sistine chapel themselves.
The exhibition shows reverentially some of the probably greatest artistic attainment of humanity where its visitors is allowed a new perspective on this art.
Herewith we invite you to completely immerse in Michelangelo’s universe.
Have you reproduced all artworks of the Sistine Chapel?
Our exhibition focuses on Michelangelo’s masterpieces from the Sistine Chapel. These mainly include the famous ceiling frescoes and the Last Judgement. Our approach never has been to copy the whole ceiling, so some of the adjoining elements to the key frames p. e. the Ignudi or other framing structures are not included. However, please be assured that the most important paintings from the chapel p. e. the Genesis will be shown at this exhibition.
Are the exhibits equal in size to the originals in the Sistine Chapel? Were these works modified in any way?
The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is vaulted, but we made our best to show the reproductions at the closest level possible in relation to their original size. To fit the pictures it was necessary to crop some of them. With this new perspective, we hope to give you a clearer picture of his famous masterpieces in in the true sense of the word.
Where do the pictures for the replicas come from and when these pictures were taken?
We have an exclusive license of Bridgeman Images, founded in 1972, works with museums, galleries, collections and artists around the globe and is the world’s leading is the world’s leading specialists in the distribution of rights-managed art, cultural and historical images and footage for licensing and reproduction. The collection comprises every concept, style and medium, from the masterpieces of national museums to the hidden treasures of private collections.
Can I take photos of the exhibition?
Yes! Photos for the personal use are permitted. Nevertheless, please you use no flash. For all requests of photo or film recordings please contact YOLO Event.
Are audio guides available?
Yes! At the exhibition box office the audio guides will be available providing you information on all 34 frescoes. The audio tour comprises a recording duration of approx. 1 hour in Polish, English and German.
Are prams or wheelchairs permitted?
Yes! Parents with prams and people with disabilities are always welcome. They/You will have one of the best views in the house!
Can I take food and drink into the exhibition?
Due to the proximity of the replicas we would like to ask for your understanding that the consumption of food and drink is prohibited within the exhibition, only drinks are permitted in the designated zones.